3 Education Opportunities for Progressive Faith Communicators

by | Apr 29, 2024 | Featured, Education

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At Aboundant, we believe in the transformative power of education. Our commitment to education stems from our dedication to contributing to the common good and partnering with organizations focused on justice and compassion. Through our various educational initiatives, we aim to empower progressive faith communicators to effectively amplify their voices and advocate for positive change.

1) Serving Progressive Faith Communicators: Fostering Community and Learning

One of the cornerstones of our educational efforts is our Facebook group, Progressive Faith Communications. This group serves as a space for progressive people of faith who hold communications roles to connect, learn, and support one another. With a commitment to centering and amplifying marginalized voices, promoting mutual accountability, and fostering radical solidarity, our group provides a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration. Professional faith communicators from around North America and other regions find collegiality in this group, and we encourage you to join.

2) Weekly Support Webinar: Building Skills and Knowledge

In addition to our online community, we host a weekly support webinar where progressive faith communicators can engage with our team members and fellow attendees to address questions, share insights, and discuss best practices. Topics range from website design and social media marketing to branding and messaging, all with a focus on empowering communicators to effectively convey messages of justice and liberation.

3) Speaking Engagements and Teaching Opportunities

Inviting one of Aboundant’s communications experts to speak at your next conference or event can provide immense value to progressive faith communicators seeking to amplify their voices and advocate for social change. Our experts bring a wealth of experience and expertise in digital marketing, web design, branding, and storytelling, specifically tailored to the needs and challenges faced by progressive faith communities. By sharing insights, best practices, and real-world examples, our speakers can equip attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively leverage digital platforms, engage diverse audiences, and advance their missions of justice, compassion, and liberation.

Our communications experts are committed to fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration within the progressive faith community. Through interactive presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, they create opportunities for attendees to connect with like-minded peers, share experiences, and explore innovative strategies for communication and advocacy. By inviting an Aboundant expert to speak at your event, you can inspire and empower progressive faith communicators to harness the power of communication to create positive change in their communities and beyond.

Progressive Faith Communicators at Aboundant, Invite

Join Us in Our Commitment to Education

Whether you’re a seasoned communicator or just starting out, we invite you to join us in our commitment to education and empowerment. Together, we can harness the power of communication to advance justice, compassion, and liberation for all. Join our Facebook group, participate in our weekly webinars, and stay tuned for upcoming speaking engagements and teaching opportunities.

At Aboundant, education isn’t just a means to an end โ€“ it’s a fundamental aspect of our mission to empower change through technology. We look forward to learning and growing together as we work towards a more just and compassionate world.

Mission and Values Driven Learning

In our peer learning events for progressive faith communicators, we aim to cover a diverse range of topics that are relevant to their roles and responsibilities. These topics are carefully curated to provide practical insights, actionable strategies, and thought-provoking discussions. Here are some examples of the kinds of topics we might address:

1. Digital Storytelling for Social Justice: Exploring the power of storytelling in conveying messages of justice, compassion, and liberation through digital platforms.

2. Effective Social Media Advocacy: Strategies for leveraging social media to amplify marginalized voices, advocate for social change, and mobilize communities.

3. Website Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensuring that websites are accessible to users of all abilities and backgrounds, with a focus on promoting inclusivity and equity.

4. Crisis Communication and Response: Best practices for communicating effectively during times of crisis, including strategies for managing public perception and addressing sensitive issues.

5. Community Engagement and Empowerment: Techniques for fostering meaningful engagement with diverse communities, building trust, and empowering stakeholders to take action.

6. Brand Identity and Messaging: Developing authentic brand identities and compelling messaging that resonates with progressive audiences and reflects organizational values.

7. Data-driven Decision Making: Utilizing data analytics and insights to inform communication strategies, measure impact, and drive continuous improvement.

8. Digital Advocacy Campaigns: Planning, executing, and evaluating digital advocacy campaigns that mobilize supporters, influence policymakers, and effect systemic change. Justice-minded progressive faith communicators are stronger when they collaborate in the work of advocacy.

9. Interfaith Collaboration and Dialogue: Facilitating dialogue and collaboration across religious and cultural lines to promote understanding, solidarity, and collective action. Progressive faith communicators have the ability to bridge cultural and religious divides through creating space for authentic and meaningful dialogue.

10. Ethical Considerations in Communication: Addressing ethical dilemmas and considerations that arise in the context of faith-based communication, including issues of representation, privacy, and consent.

11. Navigating Social Media Algorithms: Understanding how social media algorithms impact content visibility and engagement, and strategies for optimizing reach and impact.

12. Building Resilience and Self-care: Recognizing the importance of self-care and resilience in the context of demanding communication roles, and practical tips for maintaining well-being.

These topics are designed to address the diverse needs and interests of progressive faith communicators, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to effectively advance their missions and causes. Through peer learning and collaboration, participants can learn from each other’s experiences, share best practices, and collectively work towards a more just and compassionate world.

Join other progressive faith communicators who are already partnering in our shared commitment to peer learning!

About Aboundant Digital Agency

Aboundant’s mission is to empower change through technology. We want to help your organization to attract a multitude of followers that are actively engaged in vital acts of mercy, justice, and transformation. We proudly and unnapologetically serve progressive churches and non-profits, and provide resources and training for progressive faith communicators.

Our team has the experience and expertise needed to launch, clarify, or grow change-oriented organizations. But we know that costs are sometimes a barrier when working on a budget-sensitive or grant-funded project. Weโ€™ve been in your shoes. Reach out and letโ€™s see what we can doโ€ฆtogether.

Working together for the common good.

A picture of a renewable energy wind turbine, which communicates Aboundant's commitment to Working with progressive faith communicators for the common good.

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