Jenn Wolff for Iowa Senate
A bold campaign to match a dynamic candidate.

Jenn Wolff, a prominent Iowa disability rights advocate, needed a website and brand assetts impressive enough to take on a powerful incumbant in the Iowa Sentate.
Web Design
Social Media
Uniquely Iowan
This scrappy, underdog campaign needed every edge it could get. Skimping on design was not an option. Aboundant built a colorful profile for Jenn that permeated all her communications channels, whether on social media, or in people’s front yards.
Her designs were the envy of candidates all over the state. Not only were they attention-getting, they met the practical demands of getting your campaign message accross to voters.
Jenn had the most impressive campaign signs in Iowa for her election cycle.

Rev. William Ranney
Founder of Aboundant