Amazed That There are Still Churches without a Website?

Aboundant celebrates 10 years in business with free web hosting for new clients!

So are we! Which is why we are launching Aboundant Boot Camps. We did a successful pilot program last Summer and are ready help more churches. Here’s a description:

Aboundant Boot Camps are ideal for parent organizations that understand the vital nature of web ministry for their member churches. Using our innovative software and interactive teaching methods, we’ll help a group of your churches to create their initial site in a single workshop. Participants will leave confident knowing they can maintain and develop their own site. The church website is the new front door, making the value of this program immense.

Four things you can expect from an Aboundant Boot Camp:

  1. No Tech Skills Required: If the participants know how to use Word and browse the internet, then they’re set. We’ll be there to help with issues that come up.
  2. A Fun and Inspirational Day: We’ll convey the importance of online ministry in a lighthearted atmosphere.
  3. Promotional Help: We will provide you with materials and strategies proven to enlist the participation of churches.
  4. Sustained Support: Aboundant is the only church website provider to offer a weekly coaching and training webinar.

We’ve managed to keep the cost low by hosting multiple churches at once. It will cost about $375 per church and that includes a year of Aboundant Premium membership. Travel expenses may apply.

Not only will churches leave with their initial site, they’ll receive some great insight into how to use it for ministry. We’ve already received interest from several church organizations! Be sure to contact us soon if you’d like to get on our calendar.

Learn more about Aboundant Boot Camps

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