Get a sneak peek into the new nonprofit website hosting hub

Aboundant celebrates 10 years in business with free web hosting for new clients!

In our effort to provide the best nonprofit website hosting, we recently announced our commitment to investing in Community Hosting, where everyone contributes resources for the good of all the difference-making organizations on the network. Our new hosting comes with a user hub that is much friendlier and feature-packed then anything we’ve had before.

Existing clients will have access to the hub as soon as their sites have been moved to Community Hosting. New clients will get the hub immediately. You’ll find the Hub at and there are links in our full menu and in the footer.

Here’s what it looks like:

A lot of what you see here is self explanatory, but here are some highlights:

Billing (Figure 1) – Manage your subscriptions here.

Direct Login (Figure 2)- Anywhere you see a little WordPress icon like in Figure 2, you’ll be able to click on it to log directly into your WordPress dashboard.

Help and Live Chat (Figure 3) – Get into our help system or live chat with us when we are available.

Also note that the hub will come with Automatic Updates, Analytics, and Uptime Monitoring, along with Automated reporting for a number of things. Certain clients will see even more features depending on what plugins they have active on their sites.

Finally, note that you’ll be able to see your purchased domains in the domains panel. You also be able to purchase new domains there.

We are committed to providing the best nonprofit website hosting for all our difference-making organizations…

The Aboundant Hub is just one step in providing a great nonprofit website hosting. As always, our hosting’s carbon emissions are offset by 300% real alternative energy production, giving us better than carbon neutral website hosting.

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