Case Study
Higher Education
Your post-secondary institution is transforming the world one student at a time. Your website should reflect that.
Education Gets Digital
You know your prospective students are going to judge you based on your website before they ever show up on campus. You know that your current students and educators are going to rely on digital tools to manage and enhance their education. You know that they have high expectations. We can help you exceed those expectations.
Several members of Aboundant’s staff have current expertise in higher education in addition to web design and social marketing. We have a digital ministry professor, a college communication director, and a curriculum writer on staff. Chances are we’ll understand your unique challenges.
We have three areas of focus when working with Higher Education Institutions:
Attract and recruit new students
Serve multiple key audiences at once
Integration of learning management systems
As the critical time to recruit students approached, we needed a complete makeover of our website. During our first conversation with Aboundant, it was clear they had the experience needed to help us quickly redesign the website and give it focus.Â

Ken Bedell
Trustee at Rust College

Rust College
Rust is an Historically Black College (HBCU) in Mississippi that was eager to upgrade their circa-2000 website in a very short time frame before they started a new presidential search. The task was daunting, as we had to bring hundreds of pages into a new WordPress environment in just a few weeks. We proved that our small agency could work with volunteers and members of our extended community to accomplish a herculean task. Our efforts helped to recruit an amazing new president to Rust College.
Rust has since hired their own web designer, whom we coach and mentor with the goal of helping them to be self-reliant.
Web Design
Expedited Delivery
Enterprise Hosting
Maintenance and Support
San Francisco Theological School
Expectations are high when you are so close to Silicon Valley and competing with six other area seminaries. SFTS had a decent site when they partnered with us. We helped them take it from good to great. Aboundant had the added advantage of having three staff members with theological degrees. We could speak their language and knew what their faculty and students needed from first-hand experience.
Aboundant cleaned up their design and added some interactive features to their site, such as a completely automated application process, and a stunning hero section on the homepage. Since this time, SFTS has merged with Redlands University to become their Graduate Theological School.Â
Web Design
Admissions Application
Project Management
Maintenance and Support
Applied Wisdom Institute
AWI was an innovative educational initiative that required an innovative approach to web design. We employed rapid prototyping to build a truly remarkable portal that allowed people from all walks of life to engage in cutting-edge spiritual education. This site broke free of institutional models and featured a number of animated graphics in its design.
AWI was an initiative of SFTS, which means it has also been rolled into the Redlands University network of websites. We were happy to assist with the transition but sad to see such a remarkable site decomissioned in its prime.
Web Design
Rapid Prototyping
Maintenance and Support
Animated Graphics