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7 Lessons I’ve Learned from Running a Web Design Agency while Suffering from Long Covid

7 Lessons I’ve Learned from Running a Web Design Agency while Suffering from Long Covid

People are starting to realize that Long Covid is having major economic and social consequences. About 7% of the population is suffering from the long-term effects of Covid and it’s costing the US economy trillions of Dollars. Research for addressing this issue is...

How to Strengthen Your Church Blog by Studying Others’ Posts

How to Strengthen Your Church Blog by Studying Others’ Posts

What does a blog post about email apps have to do with the blog on your church website? By studying blogs carefully you can learn a tremendous amount of information useful for setting up your church blog and turning it into an effective ministry tool. Let's walk through a terrific post on together as an example of how to do this yourself. As you read, take note of any elements you need to change in your own church blog.

The Top 10 Pages Your Church Website Must Have

The Top 10 Pages Your Church Website Must Have

A couple years ago, Aboundant surveyed a group of pastors, lay persons, and church administrators about the difficulties they have experienced in launching a new church website. The number one answer was not the cost of a website or the know-how necessary to create it. Instead, the challenge most often expressed was time. In our follow up we found that "time" was often expressed in one of three ways: The time it takes to create and manage the site, the time it takes to train volunteers, and the time it takes to figure out how best to organize your site. This post addresses that last time-related concern: how to organize your site by using the top ten pages your church should have.